Woman holding Invasalign AlignerThe Invisalign® system continues to be a popular choice for fixing mild to moderate orthodontic concerns. Invisalign® makes it possible for misaligned teeth and bite irregularities to be addressed using clear aligner trays that offer a discreet appearance and a more comfortable fit when compared to traditional braces. However, following through with proper care and attention is a must in order to fully achieve the benefits of your Invisalign® treatment. Below, our cosmetic dentists in Salisbury share five things to know about Invisalign® orthodontics so you can maximize your outcome:

1. Wear Your Aligners Most of the Day

To achieve effective results, Invisalign® aligners should be worn for about 22 hours each day. Consistency is key to the process of straightening teeth and shifting dental alignment, so wear them strictly as directed. The few times per day that aligners should be taken out are when you are eating, brushing, flossing, and drinking anything other than water. Beyond those exceptions, wearing your aligner trays as necessary should contribute to optimal results in the least amount of time possible.

2. Take Good Care of Your Aligners

In an effort to avoid build-up of bacteria and stains, it is important to clean your aligner trays two times each day, which can be easily done at the same time as brushing and flossing your teeth. To clean the aligners, gently brush the tray(s) using warm water and antibacterial soap before rinsing thoroughly. Never use toothpaste as it can be too abrasive and make sure the water is warm but not hot as too much heat can warp the shape of the aligners and alter your treatment.

3. Keep Up Good Oral Hygiene 

Maintaining a consistent oral care routine for healthy teeth and gums is essential while going through Invisalign® treatment. Since the trays completely cover your teeth and should be worn the majority of the day, it can be easy for bacteria and germs to get trapped and build up against the teeth and along the gumline. Brushing and flossing after eating, as well as periodically rinsing your teeth throughout the day, may help to reduce the possibility of tooth decay and/or gum disease setting in over time. So, when Invisalign® treatment is complete, you’ll have a healthy mouth to match the orthodontic results.

4. Store Your Aligners Safely

Many patients select Invisalign® for the benefit of orthodontic treatment that is hardly noticeable due to the clear color of the aligners. Yet, their inconspicuous appearance can make it easy to misplace or damage the aligners when they are removed from the mouth. Placing them in tissues or napkins can cause them to be accidentally thrown away, stepped on, or taken by dogs to become a new favorite chew toy. It is highly recommended to ALWAYS place your aligners in a retainer case or hard container when they are not being worn. If an accident or loss happens to your aligners, be sure to call your treatment provider right away for a replacement to keep the teeth from shifting to the previous positions.

5. Stick to the Treatment Schedule

During Invisalign® treatment, each set of aligners is usually worn for about two weeks until the next set in the series is introduced for further movement and adjustments. Each patient receives a customized treatment plan and aligner schedule based on their orthodontic concerns and goals. If aligners are worn for too long or not long enough it can hinder the results and extend the treatment. This is also why it’s important to attend all appointments so you can stay on track and have the opportunity to ask your dentist questions about the fit and/or timeline.

To learn more about the Invisalign® process, or to schedule an appointment with one of our dentists, please contact Delmarva Dental Services today!