One of the best ways we can maintain good dental health is to do what we can to prevent the development of cavities. The word “cavity” is essentially another term for decay, which can form quite early in life and is one of the most common dental problems that children experience. The good news is that cavities can often be prevented, and that can ultimately reduce the need for what could turn out to be quite extensive dental work to treat them if they develop. 

Our dentists in Salisbury have several tips on how you can help your child prevent cavities—here are the top 5: 

1. Help Them Develop Excellent Oral Hygiene Routines 

Early development of strong at-home oral hygiene routines is absolutely critical to the prevention of cavities and other common dental and periodontal concerns. Brushing at least twice every day and flossing at least once per day is the typical recommendation for most adults and children. Excellent oral hygiene regimens established in early childhood can not only help keep your child’s teeth and gums in good condition, but can also increase the likelihood that they carry these good habits on into their teenage and adult years. 

2. Attend a Minimum of Two Dental Check-Ups Every Year 

At least two professional dental check-ups annually is the recommendation for adults, and the same goes for children, as well. It is very important to schedule and attend routine dental check-ups for your child so any potential concerns can be identified early; otherwise, they could get worse and require more extensive treatment. Twice-a-year check-ups also typically include a dental cleaning, which can be essential for removing plaque and tartar buildup in areas that are not easily reachable with a traditional toothbrush. 

3. Encourage a Diet of Nutritious and Healthy Foods 

The development of a healthy and nutritious diet early in childhood is important for all kinds of reasons, and its effect on oral and dental health is certainly one of them. It is a good idea for most individuals to discourage their children from consuming foods that are high in sugar, carbohydrates, and starch while encouraging a diet rich in fruits, vegetables, lean proteins, grains, and dairy. Water intake is also a vital component of establishing good oral health regimens. Several glasses of water each day can ultimately help wash away bacteria that tends to collect on the teeth, particularly after meals. 

4. Request the Addition of a Fluoride Treatment to a Professional Dental Cleaning 

Fluoride can be an exceptional cavity-fighter, and a simple (and painless) fluoride rinse is often recommended for both children and adults. This treatment can be easily added to a regular dental cleaning here at our practice to help protect and strengthen the teeth. 

5. Consider Dental Sealants 

Dental sealants are preventive treatments that can help protect the teeth against the collection of bacteria and decay. Typically applied to teeth in the back areas of the mouth (which are highly vulnerable to decay), dental sealants are made of a plastic material that can quite literally “seal” the chewing surfaces from food particles and bacteria that may find their way into crevices and grooves. Sealants can be excellent preventive measures that can reduce the potential for cavities on these teeth for many years to come. 

If you would like additional information on pediatric dentistry and how to keep your child’s teeth and gums as healthy as possible, or if you would like to schedule an appointment here at Delmarva Dental Services, please contact our office today.