When people think about orthodontic treatments, the first thing that comes to mind is often traditional metal braces, which can be both functionally and aesthetically disruptive. However, advancements in dentistry and orthodontics have made it so that those seeking a solution to crooked teeth, crowding, and other misalignment concerns have more options than ever. Our dental team here at Delmarva Dental Services in Salisbury, MD offers a range of treatments that can help both adults and adolescents obtain beautiful, natural-looking smile transformations without the need for braces. Two of our most popular treatment options are Invisalign® and porcelain veneers.


Invisalign® is a popular alternative to braces, and many people consider it a more discreet, convenient, and comfortable approach to orthodontic treatment. Using a customized series of clear, flexible, plastic aligners, the Invisalign® system is designed to gently and progressively shift your teeth into the desired position. It can address a range of mild to moderate tooth alignment concerns—including gaps, spaces, and crowding—and it can even improve conditions such as overbite, underbite, and crossbite. Plus, the aligners are translucent and removable, making them less aesthetically and functionally disruptive than traditional metal brackets and wires. 

Porcelain Veneers

Porcelain veneers—thin, durable pieces of tooth-colored ceramic that are affixed to the fronts and sides of the teeth—can also be used to mask the appearance of gaps, crowding, crookedness, and other minor to moderate alignment concerns. It is important to note that porcelain veneers are not designed to realign or reposition the teeth; instead, they can help “hide” aesthetic flaws, including those caused by misalignment. This treatment process is sometimes referred to as “instant orthodontics,” as it can typically be completed in as few as two office visits and does not require ongoing orthodontic treatment. Veneers can also be used to disguise the appearance of chipped, worn, and discolored teeth for a more dramatic smile makeover

Thanks to these advancements in the field of dentistry, straighter, more uniform teeth are more attainable than ever, without the need for traditional metal braces. That said, every orthodontic case is unique, and the above treatments may not be suitable for every patient. Contact Delmarva Dental Services today in order to schedule a consultation with one of our dentists and more thoroughly explore your options for obtaining the straighter teeth you desire.